We offer microbiological and indoor air quality assessment services, inspections and general consulting as this relates to microbiological contamination generally following water damage and mould for which we specialize. As a general guide, our fees are as follows :
1. Inspections include a visual walkthrough of all habitable areas. Testing is normally for all habitable rooms. This is to provide a comprehensive report that accurately assesses the indoor air quality and any impact from visible or hidden mould on your airspace, and hence respiratory health. Testing will always include a combination of airspace and surface sampling. There are no hidden charges or per sample fees and we do not outsource any testing to other labs. Standard pricing for a 2-bed home or apartment is from $2000+gst, and for a 3-bed home/apartment is $2500+gst, etc. Any inspections where there is an expectation of civil litigation should anticipate a base fee of $4000+gst per inspection or higher depending on property/building size. Frame inspections start from $2000 + gst for a single story and a 2-story Frame inspection from $2500 +gst.
2. Specific testing of individual samples or sampling provided by other occupational hygienists, remediators or consultants could require specific microbiological culture and analysis. A guide to our fees is a as follows: viable petri plate sampling (air or surfaces) and typing to Genus and Species where possible: $110 + GST each (PDA, MEA, SDA, NA, CHROM, HB, etc. using our plates, or $99 if using yours).
Testing for mould indoors follows the description at Point #1 where comprehensive indoor air quality inspection prices are fixed according to the general size of the home as measured by the number of bedrooms, e.g. 2, 3, 4, 5+ bedroom homes/apartments/residential and commercial properties.
In general, inspections will only assess the habitability of the airspace within the room volume/s and selected surfaces that may be suspected to be mould or water damaged. Companion assessments within walls, ceilings or at subfloor level is normally a separate set of tests and are distinguishable as 'habitable room risk' versus 'structural component risks'. Additional costs will depend on the number of samples and what the objective of the assessment is trying to address. Call for an estimate on price: 1300 13 23 50 or email: [email protected]
3. Indoor air quality particle counting: $60 + GST per sample/room/area/volume each. ATP Swab hygiene testing: $50 + GST each
4. Report Preparation/Consultation/Comparison of Data Sets: $600 p/hr + GST. Urgent, technical or other complicated analytical work (lab or desktop) is charged at a premium of $600 p/hr.
5. Faster turnaround time (TAT) on spore traps and tape lifts is possible depending on the job and any other time constraints but will attract a premium of 50-100% the cost for normal report preparation
6. Consultation for mould sampling and remediation with appointed building experts and stakeholders and for any legal disputes including lay and expert witness work: $600 p/hr + GST billed in 6-minute increments. There are costs for Zoom calls, preparation and reading of any document materials or emails and a useful guide is 25 pages p/hr for reading other reports and viewing video evidence.
Payment in full must be into your solicitors' Trust account prior to the matter being heard and confirmed by your solicitor that the funds are available as specified here and below. For the preparation of written expert reports, all invoices become due and payable on the day of document preparation or delivery. This applies to all legal work such as expert conclaves, Scott Schedule matters. Where there is no agreement between BHS and the client, then the solicitor instructing on the matter become liable for payment of all invoices on behalf of their client. Note that delays in payment could impact timelines. Invoices will be sent as soon as possible after each event.
7. Please note that modification of our standard lab reports to satisfy specific legal requirements like VCAT with CV and formatting cover sections or to provide answers to specific questions and/or the provision of additional information such as recommendations and scope of works, the reference to other data, comparisons, amendments or answers to specific questions and the supply and time required to assemble documents and file copies or implementation of unique or justified formatting of reports is an additional fee per unit time.
8. Infrared Thermography/Leak Detection: $990 + GST per report and site inspection
9. Microscopic air-o-cell counts or bio tape lifts: $110 + GST each using our media, or $99 + GST ea. if using yours. Spore trap testing costs may increase without notice if testing media costs rise due to the exchange rate or availability of stock in Australia. Potential costs increases of $10 per sample for the remainder of 2023 are likely.
10. Phone calls, out of hours calls, emails, social media messaging and other consulting/expert advice/including written or verbal opinions/quotations/liaison with the client, solicitors, other trades, consultants/agents, desktop review/opinion of legal proceedings, etc. charged in 15-min blocks as part of our hourly fee of $600 + GST per hour.
11. Phone consultations available and particularly suited to follow up after any of our mail order lab reports. Book a time at [email protected] or via [email protected].
12. Expert witness appearance fees including lay witness appearances are charged ONLY in full-day blocks of $4800 + GST plus preparation time in 15-min blocks as part of our hourly fee + GST. 1/2 day blocks at $2400 + GST refers ONLY to cases heard in the 'morning' or 'afternoon' and equivalent spanning periods where there is a requirement for expert attendance but no expectation of cross-examination. This is normally relevant only for directions hearings. In the event that hearing or tribunal schedules are anticipated to run over multiple days, then the client will be charged the full day fee regardless of actual appearance times. This is due to being reasonably absent from professional places of business/lost work for other projects and the requirement that calendar schedules are blocked off for hearing attendance often some time in advance. If I as an expert have blocked off time for attendance/s and the matter is adjourned and/or mediated/settled or if attendance is no longer required prior to 14-days, then the full anticipated rate will be levied to the client for payment. Payment is required in full prior to attendance and/or secured by a written authority with your solicitors' trust account. Zoom appearances will also be charged as per the above terms. Where cross-examination does not occur for whatever reason, but time has been scheduled for appearance, then the full fee is payable. Pre-hearing discussion/s with Counsel or other persons along with time for the review of reports and printing or reading of any other documents or emails will attract extra time-based fees.
Costs are on a per hour basis for any expert conclaves and will apply for the reading of materials, preparation of documents, preliminary and final agreed answers to Scott Schedule documents, and sign off and emails associated with materials, zoom calls/conclaves, etc.
13. Parking, taxis, meals, accommodation, travel/airfares, insurances as required and detailed/negotiated. Commercial car parking fees are extra to quoted prices and always apply in the CBD or where the van can't easily be parked.
14. There is no call-out fee for booked inspections within 30 minutes of the CBD. Service provision outside of this radius attracts call-out fees which are generally at $110+gst per/hr in addition to quoted prices.
15. A guide to our Service Terms & Conditions is available from our page titled “Service Terms“ and you agree to accept all such T&C’s as part of any sampling, lab testing, remediation and reporting work you may engage us for.
16. These fees subject to change without notice.
Last Reviewed: 06/01/25
Previous Review: 06/09/23
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